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Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Find out the REAL Kind Of Friend You Are, According To Your Zodiac Sign

friends friendship

The stars know if you're a true friend.
We all want to be a good friend — someone who's loyal, can keep a secret and is always there when needed. But being a good friend can be challenging. No one can be the perfect friend and even if we try, we can fail.
Since there are different degrees of friendship, with everything from a work friend to a best friend, we give varying types of friendship. You and your friend from second grade may share a history, but you might not share the most intimate details of your current life with her.
Some people consider their family their best friends, while others have friends they consider family. You might be a good friend to one person and a totally toxic one to the next. You might not know what kind of friend you are, but your zodiac sign can give you a clue
Aries (March 21 - April 19): The independent friend
As an Aries friend, you're devoted, loyal and will stand up for your friends. However, sometimes you like to mix things up and do something rebellious and different from everybody else.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): The true blue friend
You're stable, solid and listen (without judgment) to your friends. But that's not to say that you aren't tough and will cut right through the bullsh*t when you need to.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): The friend who lives to party
Gemini, you're the kind of friend who's always up to go to a party and who ends up being the most popular person there. 
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): The emotional friend
Your family and friends are at the top of the list of the most valuable things in your life. You live your life by your gut instincts and if you suspect a friend is badmouthing you, you will cut them out of your life forever.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): The exhausting friend
Leos always want everything to be about them and will do outrageous things to ensure they're the center of attention, like talk loudly to get noticed.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): The work friend
Virgos tend to keep their emotions in and stay focused on the task at hand. Virgos are so work focused that work friends are almost the only friends they spend any time with.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): The "addicted to social media" friend
Libras take the whole friend thing on Facebook very seriously. They always make sure to like, comment and wish you a happy birthday. They consider each friend request and won't just arbitrarily accept it.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): The friends with benefits friend
Scorpios are very passionate and sexual, and have no problem blurring the lines between a friend and a sex buddy. They also have a very imaginative and dirty mind.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): The fearless adventurer friend
Sagittarius love to travel, try new things, and keep their friends laughing and fascinated with all the stories of their adventures.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): The wise mentor friend
Capricorns are very steady and knowledgeable. They're the friend people go to when they crave stability and need someone to advise or explain things.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): The truly unique friend
Aquarians are different from everybody else, but that's what makes them a great friend. They're unorthodox, unconventional, and often have a very eclectic collection of friends. Everybody needs an Aquarius in their squad.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): The good person friend
You've heard the expression "Mate for life?" Well, a Pisces friend is for life; they're that devoted to a friend. They put everybody before themselves and are just plain nice.
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Thursday, 18 February 2016

7 signs that shows you are being too hard on yourself

Unhappy woman

Sometimes we become too hard on ourselves especially when things don't work out like they should.

Tired driverplay
Tired driver 

Self-criticism can take away your joy and you'll continue to second-guess yourself in everything you do which could bring about esteem issues.
1. You try to play down your successes: Words like "It wasn't much of a big deal" isn't a good thing to say when you are clearly being praised for your efforts. You should learn to accept compliments when and where it's due.

Sad womanplay
Sad woman

2. You are scared of taking risks: People who are too hard on themselves are scared of failing because they feel they have to be perfect all this time. Risk taking may bring out your imperfect nature.

3. Not appreciating your accomplishments: Everyone appreciates you except you. You constantly think you deserve more and will never be satisfied because of a constant thought that goes on in your head.

Sad manplay
Sad man

4. You are also hard on other people: Your aim to be perfect would be passed down to others who walk in your circle. This may rub off the wrong way on them.

5. You always compare yourself to others: You constantly compete against yourself and others. The fact of life remains that there'll always be someone who'll be smarter, more good-looking , more successful and richer than you. Be the best version of yourself and you'll be more content.

6. You stay awake all night: Insomnia is almost your middle name and you spend the night worrying instead of sleeping.

Lonely ladyplay
Lonely lady
 (Getty Images)

7. You constantly second guess yourself: Did I make the right choice? If you are hard on yourself, you'll always ask this question even when it's evident that what you are doing is right.

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Tuesday, 9 February 2016

7 Things People With Depression Often Hidden Do


1. They may be outgoing and cheerful

Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center found that depression was hard to spot when people had a cheerful disposition, especially if they were elderly. The research team had thought that the introverts would be the ones who would have difficulty in coming out about their depression but it seems that the opposite may be true. We should not take it for granted that a cheerful and sociable person may be immune from depression. We should be on the look out for some indicative signs and above all, we should always be empathic listeners.

2. They may hide their depression

There is some interesting research on the attitude that Europeans and Australians have towards depression. There is so much stigma attached to depression in Australia that many sufferers are determined not to reveal it at all. They may feel embarrassed or simply fear that they may lose their job – reflected in the number of sick days taken because of mental health problems. The figures show that Australians were taking off 14 days for a bout of depression compared to an average of 36 days for Europeans.

3. They may need healing or closure from some past trauma

Imagine the perfect hostess: she has great kids, a rewarding career and a stable marriage. It still may be that there is a painful episode in that person’s life which has never been properly healed. Psychologists have an acronym for this type of person which is the PHDP (Perfectly-Hidden-Depressed Person). The outward display of confidence and happiness is in sharp contrast to what is going on inside. The problem is often ignored, especially by the sufferer who may end up committing suicide. The tragedy is that nobody was ever able to spot the signs, or that the sufferer never had the courage to talk to someone. We should always listen carefully when a friend or loved one talks to us about exhaustion and anxiety.

4. They may have abnormal eating habits

Most experts now believe that there may be a strong link between eating disorders and depression. These are two separate illnesses; though one may lead to the other, or they may arise simultaneously. More and more men are suffering from eating disorders. There may be many causes such as media pressures, body image/exercise, and depression. If you notice that a loved one has appetite changes, try to talk to her/him about them and urge them to get treatment. Hidden depression may well be the trigger here.

5. They may be non-committal about their happiness

Very often, people with hidden depression display a lack of enthusiasm for things they used to love doing. If the person claims that they are certainly not depressed but they just don’t care anymore, this may well be a sign that something is amiss. If you read Eve Wood’s book, 10 Steps to Take Charge of Your Emotional Life, you will find more examples of how discovering self-empowerment can be the answer to coming to terms with depression and anxiety. There are also useful chapters on how counseling, medication, or alternative treatments are possible treatment options. Getting the person to talk about their problems is usually the first step in seeking treatment.

6. They may display irritation and anger

We usually associate depression with apathy, helplessness, melancholic thoughts and crying. But there are other symptoms of depression which often go undetected because they are simply dismissed as temporary outbursts. They are assumed to be just blips on a person’s radar and can be safely ignored – the truth is that angry outbursts and being irritable are often manifestations of depression. Many men choose this way of expressing their depression.

7. They may not be getting enough sleep

If your loved one is complaining about not getting enough sleep (or even oversleeping), it could be a warning sign that there is something wrong. These sleep problems may be just the outward sign of a deeper and more troubling cause which could be anxiety, lethargy or depression. Sleep problems and depression are very often closely connected. It is always worth probing gently to find out what the cause might be, if the person is prepared to open up.
Many cases of depression go undetected and untreated, often with tragic results. Between 10% to 15% of people with severe, untreated depressioncommit suicide. As we have seen above, people may hide it or fake it. Sometimes, they just keep it a dark secret which they never want to reveal. In addition, there are those who have a different public image from their own private and tormented selves. The challenge is to look out for possible signs and help the person to get treatment.
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Top Ways to Stay Positive

Move your body
Move your body

Salema Veliu, The Rebel Truth Blazer, is a meditation expert and her Positive Psychology Meditation for Body, Mind and Soul has empowered hundreds of individuals to "get out of their own way and find joy."
Here are her top 10 tips to stay positive for first-timers and new truth blazers!
Staying positive has been proven to prevent serious illnesses and disorders. By not taking everything personally there is a reduction in stress and anxiety. You'll become more receptive and appreciative of yourself which will give you a feeling of falling back in love with your life. This then really becomes the key to happiness and staying positive.
  1. Give gratitude for everything in your life, situations, experiences and interactions - write down five things that you are grateful for (whether it's your cat, your housemate, a holiday you've just booked, a delicious meal or your health).
  2. Learn to love yourself by treating yourself well with your thoughts, actions and words. We all have quirks but think about the parts of your body and your mind that you like accepting yourself for who you are. Warts and all.
  3. Spend time with yourself. Go for a walk, enjoy a cup of tea, read a good book. Learn to enjoy your own company.
  4. Meditate. Clear your head for three minutes a day to practice reverence so that you are better equipped to really listen to others as well as yourself.
  5. Do one thing a day that makes you smile.
  6. Do one thing a day that makes someone else smile.
  7. Move your body. Exercise is a great way to get those natural endorphins pumping which in turn help you feel better. Find an exercise that you enjoy doing and look forward to it each week.
  8. Put your happy thoughts and memories down in a happiness journal. It's a great way to tap into feelings, thoughts, ideas and visions.
  9. Surround yourself with positive people.
  10. Learn to say YES and NO truthfully.
  11. Pick one thing that you're super proud of yourself for achieving, doing or being, creating a positive vibration from which you can build upon.
  12. Try to harness negative thoughts and feelings towards others. If someone has upset you, try to focus on one good point about them. This will help to dissolve any anxiety and anger.
  13. Get creative, creativity is a great form of your inner expression. Try painting, drawing, writing, gardening or decorating even if it's for a few minutes each day.
  14. Read something inspiring or listen to to your favorite uplifting album.
  15. Cultivate the art of time management. Be realistic with your schedule and learn to create space to live your life fully taking into account time for yourself, partner, family, friends and work colleagues.
  16. Pray. Ask for what you want through prayer. Just like Julia Roberts did in Eat Pray Love. Never underestimate the power of spiritual prayer. You don't have to be religious! Keep an open mind.
  17. Be articulate in all of your interactions in work, love and play.
  18. Never apologise for being you.
  19. Trust and believe that you are being guided and that the universe always has your back. Even if you can't see it at the time, remember that anything is possible.
culled from:

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Wednesday, 3 February 2016

6 Characteristics All Highly Successful People have in Common


1. They Are Passionate
This might be a no-brainer trait but it might also be the foundation to a successful individual. Those who succeed love deeply what they do. Take a look at almost any athlete out there, they are passionate about what they do and almost always do it for the love of the gam. People like Tiger Woods knew at a young age what they loved and then made a life out of it. If you don’t know if you’re truly passionate about something just ask yourself if you would do it for free. If you would, then you’ve found your passion.

2. They Are Resilient

To be resilient is to face challenges, learn from them, and push through to success. Some of the most successful people in the world have faced the uncanniest struggles and have managed to come out on top. J.K. Rowling was rejected by 12 different publishers before selling the first Harry Potter novel. Successful people recognize each failure in life as a chance to learn something and to grow from it.

3. They Push Themselves Out of Their Comfort Zones

Phenomenally successful people know that they can’t just sit on their hands and hope that the ideas in their heads will some day become a real thing. They have to get up out of their house and begin to get their ideas out there. It’s a matter of getting out of your comfort zone, setting challenges, deadlines, and goals all to push yourself to continue to strive harder, work better, and succeed.

4. They Continually Create

Entrepreneurs like Time Ferris and Evan Williams are successful because they are continually creating. Rather than finish a project and end their careers there, successful people continue to study and create and form new ideas. Evan Williams didn’t just finish when he founded one company. If he had, we wouldn’t have Twitter, Blogger, or Medium. The daily routines of CEOs will show you how dedicated entrepreneurs and successful people are and how even CEOs continue to create and work hard to succeed until the end.

5. They Are Focused

A huge trait for successful people is focus. Not just that they can sit in a room and get the work done, but that they have a specific goal in mind. Successful people can narrow down and focus on the one thing that they know is important. Just look at someone like Walt Disney. His focus was on quality and innovation. For him it wasn’t about making money, it was about lifting the hearts of children and not with chintzy products. Disney even said that “quality will out.” He focused on quality and what did that result in? A phenomenal empire that spans the globe with him being a household name throughout the world.

6. They Continue to Learn and Better Themselves

Current president of Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Animation Studios, Ed Catmull wrote in his book Creativity, Inc. that the best thing to do “when faced with a challenge [is to] get smarter.” Successful people don’t assume that they know everything or that they are the smartest people out there. They continue to learn and better themselves and their craft. Some of the most successful people pick up new hobbies consistently throughout their lives and careers to keep their brains active and to help with creativity.
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