The Legal Fraternity that i dreamt about since last year finally became a reality.
Waiting endlessly for Feb 27th, I had already picked out my outfit and practiced the fake accent i was going to use throughout.
Posters and Broadcasts everyday filled my Phone in anticipation of the Day.
I had played the day in my head thousands of times and i just couldn’t wait for 27th.
February seemed to be dragging its tail and it felt like 2 months before Feb 26th finally came.
FEB 26th; I couldn’t sleep, i kept tossing and turning and looking at my alarm clock.
2am,3am,4am and Finally 5am.
I jumped out of bed and quickly got ready, i didn’t even want to hear that I missed my bus.
Make up all fleek, laces tied, camera packed, phone charged
The walk to the Cafeteria and many guys complimented me, maybe because I was wearing booty shorts but all that i could think of was please you people should not block my shine today.
First Bummer, The bus wasn't anywhere close to school and we had to wait.
Moral was already lost because my make up was beginning to smear off and there was no way i could touch up.
Singing and Dancing with my friends to while away time, the bus was finally here.
The ride was Jolly until i found out that all the seven schools that were supposed to be coming called off and only my school and 2 others (Central and Legon) would be attending.
I did the maths and tried to solve the possibility of finally getting a bae today, already depressed I still had a small light in me that I shouldn’t worry.
We reached Legon, and after breakfast of milkless tea and surprisingly delicious beef sandwich, we were headed to Boti Falls and Umbrella Rocks.
Finally we arrived at the forecourt, seriously searching for any potential bae and to my disappointment my heart couldn’t find any, maybe because the guys were few or just because I couldn’t find the Chocolate skinned with Caramel toping guy all swagged up i had pictured in my head.
Realising that my search was officially aborted, i decided to snap out of it and enjoy my 106 cedis to the fullest.
The Tour guide started the walk and then the news hit me that the walk only to see the umbrella rock would last for about an hour.
I did not expect it and immediately started thinking of the Oreo Milkshake i had refused to take last night because i was beginning to gain on the fat side and was angry because this trip would definitely result in me shedding off some pounds. Infact, all the gyms sessions i had missed i was just about to do it at a stretch.
After all the murmurings and bitterness as to why my friend convinced me to come on this trip, the journey started.
The hot sun scorching on me and trying so hard not to fall down or my priceless iPhone 6s Plus getting scratched, while battling with the rocks.
Due to my lazy ass, i had many stops and was probably the last to get to the umbrella rocks.
In the midst of my bitterness ,it struck me as to how beautiful Ghana is and how wonderful God is.
Someone even made a joke about Beast of no Nation being acted here.
Finally i got to my destination and took amazing pictures.
Then back to the forecourt and to see the Boti Falls they said…
My legs were literally shaking as i gulped my energy drink and i wished someone could just carry me back to the bus.
God decided to show his amazing power and a thunderous rain decided to fall which made all of us soaked and running back to the shade.
In Other Words;
Yes, I still found my fiction made man but thats a story for another day.
Yes, the trip to Boti falls and Umbrella Rocks was amazing and worthwhile.
Yes, I enjoyed seeing Grace twerk and dance on a pole.
Yes, I’ll want to go back to Boti falls since the falls did not actually work only if i can avoid going up and down the 250 steps.