Move your body
Salema Veliu, The Rebel Truth Blazer, is a meditation expert and her Positive Psychology Meditation for Body, Mind and Soul has empowered hundreds of individuals to "get out of their own way and find joy."
Here are her top 10 tips to stay positive for first-timers and new truth blazers!
Staying positive has been proven to prevent serious illnesses and disorders. By not taking everything personally there is a reduction in stress and anxiety. You'll become more receptive and appreciative of yourself which will give you a feeling of falling back in love with your life. This then really becomes the key to happiness and staying positive.
- Give gratitude for everything in your life, situations, experiences and interactions - write down five things that you are grateful for (whether it's your cat, your housemate, a holiday you've just booked, a delicious meal or your health).
- Learn to love yourself by treating yourself well with your thoughts, actions and words. We all have quirks but think about the parts of your body and your mind that you like accepting yourself for who you are. Warts and all.
- Spend time with yourself. Go for a walk, enjoy a cup of tea, read a good book. Learn to enjoy your own company.
- Meditate. Clear your head for three minutes a day to practice reverence so that you are better equipped to really listen to others as well as yourself.
- Do one thing a day that makes you smile.
- Do one thing a day that makes someone else smile.
- Move your body. Exercise is a great way to get those natural endorphins pumping which in turn help you feel better. Find an exercise that you enjoy doing and look forward to it each week.
- Put your happy thoughts and memories down in a happiness journal. It's a great way to tap into feelings, thoughts, ideas and visions.
- Surround yourself with positive people.
- Learn to say YES and NO truthfully.
- Pick one thing that you're super proud of yourself for achieving, doing or being, creating a positive vibration from which you can build upon.
- Try to harness negative thoughts and feelings towards others. If someone has upset you, try to focus on one good point about them. This will help to dissolve any anxiety and anger.
- Get creative, creativity is a great form of your inner expression. Try painting, drawing, writing, gardening or decorating even if it's for a few minutes each day.
- Read something inspiring or listen to to your favorite uplifting album.
- Cultivate the art of time management. Be realistic with your schedule and learn to create space to live your life fully taking into account time for yourself, partner, family, friends and work colleagues.
- Pray. Ask for what you want through prayer. Just like Julia Roberts did in Eat Pray Love. Never underestimate the power of spiritual prayer. You don't have to be religious! Keep an open mind.
- Be articulate in all of your interactions in work, love and play.
- Never apologise for being you.
- Trust and believe that you are being guided and that the universe always has your back. Even if you can't see it at the time, remember that anything is possible.
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