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Wednesday 7 September 2016

5 Activities that Can Strengthen Your Relationship

Happy couple

In any relationship, it's important to enjoy time apart to pursue the things you individually love. But our experts say that creating shared experiences, via hobbies, can bond a couple together in incredible ways.
Having shared interests and hobbies means that you will be spending intentional time together doing things you both enjoy. It isn't about running the house or dealing with the dog. It's about having fun together on a regular basis.
Sharing experiences that have nothing to do with chores or mundane everyday life build a deep connection between a couple. When you're doing enjoyable things together, it creates positive interactions and happy memories that protect your relationship from the boring and the difficult.
And the more positive experiences you have together, the stronger the relationship foundation becomes."
Of course, when it comes time to pick a hobby, it's important to select one you'll both enjoy, cautions Toni Coleman, psychotherapist and relationship coach.
To decide what might work for you, Coleman encourages you to think about what you both enjoy to see where your interests or desires overlap, as well as search for something that allows for play time and quality interaction. In other words, Netflix marathons won't count.
If you need some further inspiration, however, we've got you covered. Here are five hobbies our experts say will be fun and bring you closer together.

1. Exercise together.
When you hit the gym, don't put in your ear buds and simply say sayonara to your significant other. Instead, says Doares, sweat it out together. "Doing the same exercise, whether it's running, biking, or CrossFit, together keeps you connected," she explains.
You both will be experiencing the same thing at the same time which creates a shared experience. Plus, encouraging each other to keep going and get better will translate to being more supportive in other areas of your relationship.
2. Take cooking classes or any other type of class
Much like exercising together, cooking together under the watchful eye of a skilled chef creates a shared experience you can relive (and re-eat) at home.
"Learning something new releases dopamine the feel good neurochemical and doing it with your partner connects that good feeling to them," adds Doares. "Practicing at home creates a sense of camaraderie that learning something alone can't match."
3. Buy season tickets to your favorite sport's team
There's nothing that bonds you together quite like cheering on your winning team, or cheering each other up after a devastating loss. Plus, as Coleman says, having season tickets means working a regular date night into your routine.
"Not only is it a fun way to spend an evening or weekend together, but it allows you to plan your dates in advance," she explains.
4. Garden
According to Doares, being in nature and getting your hands dirty with the one you love can be a big stress reliever. Not only that, "but when you do it together, you learn to cooperate in seeing your overall plan come to fruition," Doares points out.
"The sense of accomplishment is both immediate and shared which are important for feeling connected."
5. Do jigsaw puzzles
Daunting though it may be, "finishing a jigsaw puzzle is a definable goal," says Doares. And, just as you may with life's little puzzles, you can learn a lot about one another by watching how each of you approaches the solution, in a low-pressure scenario, Doares says.
"It can provide a non-threatening window into how each of you think and perceive life," she says. "Because it isn't a problem that has to be solved, there is no pressure and you can take an approach of curiosity."
In the end, Doares says, "it doesn't really matter what hobby you choose. Rather, having something fun that you do on a regular basis provides an alternative to focusing strictly on the relationship.
When you are involved in an activity of choice, the pressure is off and you can experience just being together."
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Monday 18 April 2016

Kelly Rowland shows nipple in wet T-shirt at the beach!

Kelly Rowland pictured with her son, Titan, at the beach...!
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How to overcome jealousy in a relationship.

How to overcome jealousy

When we are in love, we can all feel the odd pang of jealousy occasionally; it’s a natural part of our feeling protective of someone that we care about.

If you let that jealousy consume you though, it can become a really big problem in a relationship. It will make you suspicious of everything your partner does and says, and have you mistrusting his every word and your constant doubts about your partner could eventually drive them away.
If you think you are in danger of letting your jealous nature damage your relationship, read these ten tips on how to overcome jealousy in a relationship.
1. Face up to the fact that you are being jealous
As with all emotional issues like this, the very first thing you have to do is accept the fact that you are being over-jealous. Don’t jump straight in and accuse your partner of something, just explain to them that what they are doing is making you feel jealous. Talk about the issue and you will both be able to understand the situation better.
2. Stop comparing yourself to other people
This is another important tip on how to overcome jealousy in a relationship. Jealousy is often caused by a person’s own low self-esteem. Accept the fact there will always be someone who you think is better looking than you, richer than you, or funnier than you, but it was you who your partner chose to be with. Stop making comparisons with other people and focus on the good things that you and your partner have instead.
3. Don’t judge this partner based on a prior bad experience
Your jealousy might be being caused because you have had a bad experience in the past. Perhaps an old boyfriend cheated on you, so you assume that this one will too. It’s really unfair to tar everyone with the same brush in this way and it can be very upsetting if someone does it to you. Let the past go and judge your partner on what he does, not in what someone else did in the past.
4. Remind yourself of all the times your jealousy was unfounded
Here is another good tip on how to overcome jealousy: when you feel your jealousy rising to the surface, try and think back to all the other times you felt this way and it turned out that your jealousy was completely unfounded. Think about the time that you have checked up on your partner, only to find he was at the office, just like he said he would be. Think of all the times you thought he was leaving you and then remind yourself that he’s still with you today.
5. Remember that jealousy won’t achieve anything anyway
Let’s not beat around the bush here; if he’s going to cheat on you, being jealous isn’t what will stop him! It may sound a bit harsh, but, you’d be far better off using all the time and energy you are wasting on being jealous, making the relationship so great that he’s never even going to think of cheating on you.
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How to kiss your man so he'll never forget you

African couple kissing

Being a good kisser is an important trait to have. If you're good, then it makes keeping him attracted even easier. Having a great sex life starts with the basics.

1. Prepare yourself beforehand
You need to use a good lip balm so that your lips are soft and definitely not chapped! While wearing lipstick will certainly make your lips look more enticing and attractive, it's often a bad choice as it ends up leaving marks all over your man when you do kiss him as well as getting smudged all over your mouth not the most attractive thing.
2. Let him know your intentions
If you like, you can try being super direct and asking your man if he'd like to kiss you or even just lunge for him, but this doesn't always work and can often lead to embarrassment and a whole lot of blushing. A much better way is to subtly let your man know exactly what's on your mind.
While you are talking to him, stop focusing so much on his eyes and face and start paying more attention to his lips. The most effective way to do this is by glancing down to his lips every once in a while, for just a few seconds mid-conversation. He may not notice you doing this at first, but after a minute or two, most guys will realize exactly what's going on.
Couple this with slowing your talking speed down the more you do it, as well as slightly leaning in closer to your man, and you can almost be guaranteed that your man will know "what's up".
If he is keen to start kissing you, then he will copy what you are doing: he'll lean in, he'll slow down his conversation, and he may also start glancing at your lips, too. If he does any of this, then you can be almost positive that he wants to kiss you.
When he does eventually move in to kiss you, or you move in to kiss him, start slowly. Gently purse your lips and as softly and gently as you can, massage his lips between yours. You should start with his bottom lip and then move to his top lip.3. Start softly, and go slowly
4. Switch things up

After gently massaging his lips for a while, you can change tactics a little bit. Start to get a tiny bit more aggressive and instead of massaging his lips between yours, squeeze them.

Now there's no need to try and crush his lips with as much force as possible. Just use enough to show him that you are passionate.

5. Use your teeth
Ask anyone how to kiss a guy and they will tell you to use your lips. It's true you obviously need to use your lips to kiss him. But if that's all you use, then your man is missing out on a lot more sensations. He's certainly missing out if you choose to never use your teeth on him!
Using your teeth while kissing your man is straightforward. Think about it as if you are softly nibbling on his lips. You can squeeze his top lip or bottom lip between your teeth and you can also run your teeth slowly over his lips for a different sensation.
6. Change your head position
Something that many women sometimes forget is that they may be only focusing on one side of their man's face. Because you can't kiss your man head on, you obviously need to tilt your head to one side. When you do this, you will be a lot more comfortable and can really start enjoying yourself
But don't make the mistake of neglecting the other side of his face! Every once in a while, make sure to change your head position so that it's tilted to the other side.
7. Let him kiss you
When learning how to kiss a guy, women often fall into the trap of thinking that they need to do all the work. You don't. You should be doing 50 percent of the work or even less. Unless, of course, you enjoy being the dominant one, let your man take over and be the one who leads the kiss.
8. Kiss him in other places besides his lips
Figuring out how to kiss your man often leads women to only focus on his lips. If you do, then you are missing out on all the other sensitive erogenous zones on his body that are super pleasurable to have kissed. So, if you are getting tired or bored of just focusing on his lips, kiss him on the cheek.
If that's not enough for you, then bury your head in his neck and start kissing, sucking, massaging and nibbling him there.
It you want another thing to focus on, try very softly licking and kissing his ear.
9. Practice your techniques
There are a lot of different tips, techniques, tactics, and ideas that you can use from this guide on how to kiss a guy. Doing them all perfectly the first time you try it just isn't realistic.
To master these kissing techniques, you need to devote some time and expect that sometimes it will be a bit awkward when you try something new.
That's natural and normal, so don't worry. Just see it as something you are practicing and eventually, it will become second nature to you, according to
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How to know if you are amazing in bed

Black couple

You’re basically a sex god and your girlfriend agrees…right? Some women are pretty damn good at faking it, and (worse?) some men are terrible at telling the difference.

Sure, there are some physiological signs that she adores everything you’re doing her breathing changes, her body heats up, her muscles tense but they’re usually subtle enough that you won’t be able to clearly identify them in the heat of the moment. So here are some non-physical signs that she thinks you’re just as amazing in bed as you think you are.
She's Selfish
If she’s single-mindedly gunning for her own orgasm, your orgasm be damned you’re doing it right. “As she gets close to orgasm, she enters a trance-like state. She’s no longer focused on you or what you want. In other words, you’re so incredible between the sheets that she can no longer concentrate on anything but herself.
She's Up for Anything
You may have noticed that a lot of women aren’t ready to jump right into things they like a little warm up, first. But once she is aroused, you can figure out just how into you she is by pushing her boundaries (consensually, of course).
This could be something as simple as diving into oral sex. Or, try using sex toys. You’re looking for lowered inhibitions many things that are normally painful, ticklish, or otherwise uncomfortable when she’s not aroused will become sexy when she is aroused.

She's Not Grossed Out
Face it: There are a lot of things about sex that are kind of disgusting when you think about them in a non-sexual context. Body fluids, odors, and functions, for example. But if your lady is not only not bothered by messy, sweaty, disgusting sex but actually kind of into it, then give yourself a high-five .
The reason: Lowered inhibitions also means a lowered disgust mechanism, according to Kerner. You’re so good in bed that she just doesn’t care. But if she’s preoccupied with keeping the sheets clean, you may want to rethink your sex strategy.
She Wants to Cuddle

What happens when the deed is over? Does she jump out of bed to get a head start on that project she’s heading up at work, or does she stick around and try to snuggle up to you?

After you have great sex, there’s a desire to maintain a connection with your partner,” Greer says. If she jumps up off the bed after a quickie, don’t sweat it she’s a busy girl, after all. But if she never lingers, not even after lazy Sunday  morning sex, you may have a problem.
She Wants to Talk About It
When she brings up your sex life and how it can be improved outside of the bedroom, your first instinct is probably to feel offended. But you shouldn’t, because good sex is more about the connection and comfort level you have with your partner than it is about pure technique.
It’s hard for anyone to tell their partner that they want to do something different in bed.. So it’s actually a good sign if she comes to you it means she feels comfortable enough with you to open up. Think about it like this: She wouldn’t bother potentially offending you if she didn’t already think you were worth it.
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Sunday 10 April 2016

Find out the REAL Kind Of Friend You Are, According To Your Zodiac Sign

friends friendship

The stars know if you're a true friend.
We all want to be a good friend — someone who's loyal, can keep a secret and is always there when needed. But being a good friend can be challenging. No one can be the perfect friend and even if we try, we can fail.
Since there are different degrees of friendship, with everything from a work friend to a best friend, we give varying types of friendship. You and your friend from second grade may share a history, but you might not share the most intimate details of your current life with her.
Some people consider their family their best friends, while others have friends they consider family. You might be a good friend to one person and a totally toxic one to the next. You might not know what kind of friend you are, but your zodiac sign can give you a clue
Aries (March 21 - April 19): The independent friend
As an Aries friend, you're devoted, loyal and will stand up for your friends. However, sometimes you like to mix things up and do something rebellious and different from everybody else.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): The true blue friend
You're stable, solid and listen (without judgment) to your friends. But that's not to say that you aren't tough and will cut right through the bullsh*t when you need to.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): The friend who lives to party
Gemini, you're the kind of friend who's always up to go to a party and who ends up being the most popular person there. 
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): The emotional friend
Your family and friends are at the top of the list of the most valuable things in your life. You live your life by your gut instincts and if you suspect a friend is badmouthing you, you will cut them out of your life forever.
Leo (July 23 - August 22): The exhausting friend
Leos always want everything to be about them and will do outrageous things to ensure they're the center of attention, like talk loudly to get noticed.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): The work friend
Virgos tend to keep their emotions in and stay focused on the task at hand. Virgos are so work focused that work friends are almost the only friends they spend any time with.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): The "addicted to social media" friend
Libras take the whole friend thing on Facebook very seriously. They always make sure to like, comment and wish you a happy birthday. They consider each friend request and won't just arbitrarily accept it.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): The friends with benefits friend
Scorpios are very passionate and sexual, and have no problem blurring the lines between a friend and a sex buddy. They also have a very imaginative and dirty mind.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): The fearless adventurer friend
Sagittarius love to travel, try new things, and keep their friends laughing and fascinated with all the stories of their adventures.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): The wise mentor friend
Capricorns are very steady and knowledgeable. They're the friend people go to when they crave stability and need someone to advise or explain things.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): The truly unique friend
Aquarians are different from everybody else, but that's what makes them a great friend. They're unorthodox, unconventional, and often have a very eclectic collection of friends. Everybody needs an Aquarius in their squad.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): The good person friend
You've heard the expression "Mate for life?" Well, a Pisces friend is for life; they're that devoted to a friend. They put everybody before themselves and are just plain nice.
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7 ways on how to get that man chase you and not the other way round

Couple talking
While there's nothing wrong in showing interest in the man you like, it is traditional that the man makes the first move such as asking a girl out on a first date or even in proposing marriage.
For most of us, this is the way a wonderful relationship works out because we are comfortable with this setting. So how do you get a man to chase you without making it obvious?
Alicia Fanning of All Women Stalk lists a few ways ladies can achieve that feat:
  1. Stop it: These tactics can be used at any point in a relationship, from the very beginnings to well into a marriage. If you want to change up the status quo and find ways to get him to chase you instead of you chasing him, it is totally doable. All you need to do is stop. Stop chasing him. There may a bit of a standstill before the tide turns but if he cares about you, rest assured that it will turn.
  2. Pull back: Sometimes you not only need to stop what you are doing in chasing him but you need to give him some distance and space to work with. Be patient and see what happens. It can actually be quite exciting to see what he will do when you pull back. Pulling back means that you allow him to miss you and that you don’t make it your responsibility to take control for every interaction and communication. You may just be pleasantly surprised.
  3. Flirt: This is a very fun way to get him to chase you. Flirting is a great way to get his attention and make him want to pursue you. There are a thousand ways to do this, at least. You can tease him but make him do the work here. Most guys like the chase element of a relationship and tend to be much more interested when they are allowed to do that.
  4. Remember that neediness repels: The average man does not like a woman that is needy. Making demands of what you want from him will not make him chase you and he very well may run. Additionally, whining to get the attention you want will be like nails on a chalkboard to him. If you think about it, when you see a woman that is very needy, it probably repels you too. No-one ever wants to be like that.
  5. Be confident: Your confidence is most likely the top personality trait that makes you attractive to your guy. There is something about a woman that is self-assured that men find irresistible. Being confident is something that you have to work at. Know who you are and know your worth. Make him work for the prize of you a little bit.
  6. Play hard to get: This is an old, old trick but it is still around because it works. You don’t want to be too easy of a prize to achieve. Don’t answer the phone on the first ring. Make him wait just a few minutes while you finish getting ready for a date. Most importantly, have standards and actually be hard to get. When you do this, you will be the one that ends up with the prize, a man of integrity.
  7. Be busy: This one is to be handled carefully. You don’t want to be too busy. However, you need to have a life and let him know that you do. Letting him be your whole world isn’t good for him or for you. This will only make you more attractive to him.
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